
Showing posts from May, 2021

Reset and recover Hotmail account

  Hotmail is a useful platform and it facilitates easy mail oriented services and if someone needs any help using hotmail, they may obtain easy help with Hotmail support number.  To help you reset your Microsoft account password, we suggest following the steps in this order. If you were unable to reset your password, please follow these steps: This step assumes that you've already completed Step 1: You attempted to reset a forgotten Microsoft account password, but it was unsuccessful. The measures outlined below will assist you in completing the account recovery form. It's structured to ask questions about your account that only you can answer, so it can be a lengthy process. Within 24 hours, Microsoft will review your responses and reactions. By reading the following instructions first, you will improve your chances of successfully recovering your account. Make sure you have a working email address that Microsoft will use to contact you before filling out the account recovery...