Do Hackers access outlook?Everything you need to know

Hotmail is a crucial mail platform for many users even today and this is because of the enhanced and useful services that it caters for its users. Hotmail is a famous mail platform that brings focused mail oriented applications for mail transfer. Outlook is Microsoft’s mail platform that is useful, helpful and secured for mail exchange services. With this it is also user oriented and user friendly so that users can avail its services without any issues but if users find any difficulty, they may contact outlook helpline number for help. This is secured platform for mail transfer but sometimes, users on hotmail also get prone to online issues such as scams and hacks. Hackers can get to your account to access and thus there are important things that users must know about this: Microsoft has admitted a major breach of its email service, which has left a portion of its user base at risk of hackers reading their messages. It may impac...